TLDR; Fredag eftermiddag 22 November 2024 kl 16:00 - Fire speakers, over to timer, i selskab med dine tidligere studiekammerater hvor fokus både er socialt og fagligt indspark. Efterfølgende er der middag for dem som vil mere.

Vi har været kørende siden 2022, og holder et årligt reunion (indtil vi løber tør for speakers…) og det er årligt af den simple årsag at indholdet var pivskarpt, veldrejet, godt præsenteret, relevant og af en sjælden høj faglighed! Præsentationerne bar tydelig præg af en fælles om end det brogede spektre som vi Informationsvidenskabere spænder ud over – alt fra tech rådgivning, droner, myndigheder, digitalisering, innovation, kommunikation, markedsføring, projektledelse og meget andet!

Endelig tilmeldning foregår her på sitet, vi ses hvert år den første fredag i september.

Kærlig hilsen,

Simon Kaastrup-Olsen

Louise Rosenberg Mærsk

Simon Kaastrup-Olsen

Anne Sofie Madsen

Asger Østerbæk

Mads Mommsen

Asger Østerbæk

Jesper Thomsen

Rasmus Gade Andersen

Tine Kleif

sara redin

Jens Keld Trinskjær

Kasper Skou

Louise Mærsk

Karen Syppli

Sara Helene Holst

Henriette Gaardsmand Madsen

Thomas Riisgaard Hansen

Jonas Therkildsen

Rikke Kajhøj jensen


Christian Bering

Peter Risborg

Phillip Fogh Mogensen

Jonas Fritsch

Kristian Emil Larsen

Anders Lihn Jørgensen

Kathrine Emme

Kathrine Emme

Peter Ravnholt

Jonas Karmark Ibsen




Inviterede Ind.’er




Stærkt indhold


Thomas Riisgaard Hansen

Managing Director at Digital Research Centre Denmark - DIREC

Thomas Riisgaard Hansen

Thomas har en kandidatgrad i Informationsvidenskab fra 2003 og en ph.d. i datalogi inden for digital teknologi til hospitaler. I 2006 grundlagde han firmaet Cetrea, som leverede software til hospitaler. I 2014 blev Cetrea opkøbt af svenske Getinge Group. I dag er Thomas leder for et stort nationalt forskningscenter inden for avanceret digital teknologi ved navn DIREC. Centeret er en sammenslutning af de 8 danske universiteter og Alexandra Instituttet. Udover dette er han også aktiv som business angel og har investeret i flere startups.

Sara Helene Holst

Business-oriented senior project, portfolio and program manager (external) - IT & Business Processes

Sara Helene Holst

Sara (IMV årgang 1995) has been connecting the dots between business and IT and organising complex projects for +20 years. Currently she is working at LEGO Digital Office in Copenhagen, but has been around a lot of industries e.g. media, finance, pharma, telecom, manufacturing, emergency management o.a.

Karen Syppli Hansen

Head of Product at Wired Relations

Karen Syppli Hansen

I have many years of experience in developing solid UX solutions for users. My empathetic approach makes me able to understand and deliver for great experiences for customers. My main focus is always to understand and fulfill user needs and align them with business needs.

Peter Dalsgaard

Professor i Interaktionsdesign, Aarhus Universitet. Leder af Centre for Digital Creativity. Jeg forsker i udvikling af IT med mennesket i fokus.

Peter Dalsgaard

As Professor of Interaction Design at Aarhus University I explore the design and use of digital technologies from a humanistic perspective. I explore how we can develop digital systems in ways that make them more meaningful and useful to the people who end up using them. To do so, we must combine technological and humanistic insights. In particular, my research is aimed at improving our understanding of how digital tools influence creativity and innovation, and how new tools may better support and augment human creativity. Given the complex nature of the challenges we face as a society, we need to better harness the potential of technologies to help us think and create in new ways.


Sara Redin

Founder at Redin Consult

I 1995 tog Sara fra Stockholm for at prøve livet på Aarhus Universitet af i et års tid. Forskellige sammentræf gjorde at hun havnede på Informationsvidenskab. At komme fra Stockholms Universitet til de tilrøgede gange på Trøjborg og det ret intime studiemiljø på IMV hvor jens, Arne, Berit, Peter, Per og Randi stadig passede godt på den uddannelse de havde været med til at starte var et enormt kulturchok. Men efter et år gav fagene på første årgang tilsammen med www’s udbredelse så meget mening at Sara droppede planerne på at rejse tilbage til Stockholm og blev i Danmark.


Jakob Engelbrecht

External Frontend Engineer @ the LEGO® Group

Jakob Engelbrecht has extensive hands-on experience in software architecture and development working in the industry for more than 20 years. He was the founder and CTO of a HR software company for 15 years and since 2014 he has been offering his experience and services to leading Danish companies as an external freelance consultant. Lately he has been the architect and cross-cut tech lead for a large danish ebanking project. For the last 4 years he has been focusing on and driving the implementation of Design Systems in larger software organisations. He currently works as external senior frontend engineer at the LEGO® Group building their “Klik” Design System.
Jakob holds a B.A. in Information Studies from Aarhus University.

Peter Ravnholt

Partner at Experience Design

Peter Ravnholt is an industry expert in service, product and process automation across the business support functions. Peter is one of the contributors to the ITIL Framework and is a known speaker about service strategy and automation in the Nordics, Australis and the US.
Peter is not only talking theory he has also build two consultancy companies in the Nordics based on modern technology and business automation.
Today Peter is one of the founding partners of Experience Design with focus on Employee Experience.

Rasmus Houlind

Author, Keynote Speaker, CXO at Agillic, Board Member

Rasmus Houlind is considered the de facto thought leader within Omnichannel Marketing in the Nordics. Through his extensive experience at several major agencies in Scandinavia he’s built up a solid knowledge base about what it takes to succeed in marketing across physical and digital channels alike. He’s also the author of the book ‘Make it all about me’ on omnichannel marketing and AI and works on a daily basis as Chief Experience Officer at the Martech company Agillic.


Partner, Game Design Lead at Hutlihut Games

Out of date.

The world’s silliest learning company!

Mrs. Wordsmith is on a mission to become every child’s most-loved English teacher.

We’re doing it by creating learning experiences like no other. Mrs. Wordsmith works with the brightest minds from the worlds of education, gaming, and animation to create our range of science-backed, blended learning resources that kids love.


CEO at Holo

Holo is the leading operator of #autonomousvehicles in Europe. And with intelligent use of data, it will be possible to match the changing mobility needs with vehicles – on land or in the air.

Holo handles applications, training of staff, implementation and supervision of transportation projects. On top of this, Holo develops an operational system for mobility in cities.


Chief UX Designer at MobilePay IT

Peter has worked for Danske Bank since graduating in 2005 and from 2007 he has been involved in mobile development and partook in designing apps like Danske Mobilbank, MobilePay and WeShare. Hopefully, you are familiar with at least one of them. In the MobilePay product design team he is endlessly engaged in understanding and facilitating user needs.


Forfatter, facilitator og selvstændig rådgiver om sociale medier og digital kommunikation

Katrine har tidligere slået sine folder hos 23 Video som Head of Markets. Samt 8 år hos Advice A/S, slutteligt som Director of Digital & Social. Hun har været blogger & vlogger, men hendes største claim to fame er den hjemmebryggede wiki, et co-creation projekt fra 2007, lavet sammen med en anden Infovid’er, Jesper Nielsen.














